This may be a bit graphic, but I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it may help someone else with their own grief.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Missing, Finally

I mentioned that things were taken, I was told they would be returned eventually but that since I didn't get a list of what was taken, the night they were taken, that I couldn't and I'd get the list along with my items when the police were finished with them. I didn't know when the body was being released to the funeral home, or when the coroner might be finished, but I had told my Mom she could come up in a few days. I don't even know how to tell you how slowly time passed. The days literally felt neverendingly long in the beginning, then long but full of too much to do later and I was still exhausted. I woke up exhausted, I simply fell asleep from exhaustion and tears. When my Mom and sisters came, they followed orders and made sure that I ate, we all slept in a pallet together in the floor the way we did when I was little and the power went out :).

They didn't leave me alone. 

That part was nice. Although they did understand if I was touchy or they would take the phone when I couldn't make words anymore. They made phonecalls I hadn't been able to make myself but needed a relative or someone I could trust with my social security number to make. They helped me make sure I looked presentable in public. They were awesome, but they had listened and come when I asked. I appreciated this so much. So many people had come by. And all of the visits were great. People brought food, which was also great. I don't know if I could have put together a sandwich for myself at the time, but I didn't need to. I only had to say what I felt like I could swallow. Nothing tasted good, not even things I asked for specifically. I felt like my life was in holding. But things were about to start happening. The rollercoaster was almost at the top of the hill.

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