This may be a bit graphic, but I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it may help someone else with their own grief.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Other People's Tears...

Today was an interesting day at work. Not interesting in a yay awesome things happened way, but interesting in how I felt dealing with the situations I was in. This morning one of  the sweetest people I work with let us know that she and her fiance' broke up. She was dissolving into tears before my eyes and I asked if I could give her a hug.

It was so very hard not to cry with her. She moved here about a year ago... maybe a little longer. He had proposed to her this past winter and they were supposed to be married this coming summer. Her heart was broken. She didn't know what she was going to do. She wanted to work out the April schedule, but didn't know where she would live (she has a lot of pets). I offered to let her move in with me, she said her parents didn't even know about it yet. But she wants to move home to Texas. We told her to go home and call her family and  feel better and call us if she needs us. She cleared all her belongings out of her "box" at work and left. It was really sad.

Later I had a 16 year old dog that the owner had chosen to euthanize because the quality of life was so poor at home. A lot of people bring special treats for their pets when they make this decision. If we have snacks at work, we offer them if the owner's don't bring anything. We had some donuts today so I asked her if she'd like to give him a chocolate donut. She said yes and as we watched him eat it with gusto, she questioned if his eating meant she shouldn't put him down. I assured her that his joy of eating that donut wouldn't translate into any sort of better feeling when he got home. I assured her that she wouldn't have brought him in and told us she was ready if it wasn't time. Then I shared with her that I had made this same decision myself not too long ago. And that it was the kindest thing she could do, assure him he wouldn't suffer.

She hugged me and cried on my shoulder and thanked me over and over. I cried with her and told her if she needed anything just to call, and meant it.

And I was ok.

I felt strong.

I think it's awesome!

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