This may be a bit graphic, but I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it may help someone else with their own grief.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mystery of them

My besties from  MS are here today helping me clean out Allen's room. It's been a lot of weird (read emotional) work. We decided I don't have to go through all of the notebooks now, or anytime soon at all. I can do that whenever I get ready.

We also found something tonight that I thought was gone forever. I can't figure out why it was where I found it, but when I was cleaning out the closet, wrapped in a sheet I found our missing harddrive. I have to locate it's power cord so that I can plug it in. I know what used to be on it, but I'm not sure if anything was added... before he well, you know. It's all I can think of right now. My stomach is spinning out of control, I feel ill. Not in a good way.

Garbage bags and goodwill boxes have been filled, and that feels really good. We have another half of the closet to do tomorrow and we are going to try to fix the shower upstairs that was taken apart. I'm exhausted right now and need some rest.

I'm so glad they came.

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