This may be a bit graphic, but I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it may help someone else with their own grief.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Surprises about Living Alone... or Thinking Problems LOL

I have lived far to long to have just experienced "Iron Poor Blood." Maybe it's Geritol time for me :).

Anyway I noticed yesterday that I was strangely overly tired and so when I got off work I ran some errands that included some groceries and came "home" to rest. (Home is in quotes because I'm petsitting in someone else's fabulous home.)

I'be been reading a lot and eating fruit, crackers, leftover cupcakes and just snacky type items. There has been food like fruit and stuff at work so I haven't been cooking and I've been not dropping by and picking up burgers and I know I should be eating better but it's been enough. But yesterday I was SO tired.

By last night my head was really fuzzy and I was having trouble putting thoughts together and reading wasn't going well and blast it, something was WRONG! So I did what ladies do, I called a girlfriend, described my symptoms and then she asked me a couple of questions and then tells me that my iron is low and I need vitamins and red meat ASAP. This is impossible at the moment because I don't even think I can walk down the three flights of stairs to my car in my current condition. So I start reading labels, eat some yogurt and a big salad, feel a bit better and go to bed.

This morning I ate more yogurt, some peanuts that were at work and then went and bought vitamins with extra iron, spinach for salad, and some red meat LOL. I can't tell you what a relief it is to have my brain functioning at a higher capacity again.

I also feel like an idiot for not taking better care of myself. I hate cooking for one, but I went ahead and made extra steak for dinner tonight and either tonight or tomorrow I can cook some hamburger patties to have with more salad :).

It's easy and not too fattening... I have a George Foreman to grill on :)

But let this serve as a warning to anyone newly single... or living by themselves... you have to eat right (even when you don't want to). The sad thing is, I didn't think I was doing so badly, I just need to make way more of an effort. :)

It's all good. At least I know what I like :)

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