This may be a bit graphic, but I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it may help someone else with their own grief.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

I'm at home tonight. I had a wonderful day (except for sinus pain... LOL which I have a lot, but haven't had this year as bad as most).  I woke up at the relaxing dog sitting house, played with, fed and walked the dogs. I got dressed, straightened my hair, put on a tiny bit of makeup and some decent clothes, then went to the movies. I got to see the Avengers. I had been listening to The Geek Show Podcast which is the only podcast I am currently listening to with any kind of frequency, now that music is in my life again. I did listen to the spoiler episode... they warned me, but I am not as familiar with the Marvel universe as I am the DC universe and I wanted to make sure I picked up on everything I was supposed to. I went with my friend J and her mom A.

Avengers was AWESOME, and I got to see an extended Dark Knight Rises trailer before the movie. I did have a moment, on the way to the movie. I had a moment thinking about all the awesome movies that I was supposed to be seeing this year with a partner that was also looking forward to these movies. I had a moment where I was sad that he wasn't seeing them... then I remembered that it was his choice.

Choices seem to be a theme that run through super hero movies. I kept focusing on the dialog that felt aimed at me. We all have choices, every day. I have made the choices that have kept me going. It wasn't always my choice to keep going, but I had sense enough to listen to the people who said "get up". Not everyone will tell you to do that, not even the people who are supposed to love you and take care of you. Not getting up has never really felt like an option to me.

My surroundings for the most part are soothing and calm. The doghouse where I was this weekend had a lot of similar design principles going on that I have applied in my own home. I think the difference is mojo. Or maybe a combination of the fact that I associate only good memories with those spaces. We as humans can give power to things that deserve none. Words, and deeds are power, thoughts and feelings convey power too. It's the same thing as when people tell you that you need to smile when you talk on the phone because people can hear a smile in your voice... they can.

My friend J told me about a book she was reading on how to change the subconscious. Mostly it's by changing "I will" statements to "I am" statements and self-visualization. My favorite part of this is the fact that I have been doing this without really understanding that it was what I was doing. Now that I know the effect this can have, I'm going to work on it with more effort.


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